Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week...something...I have no idea.

I have no idea what week this is, I should probably figure that out. This week I am finally back on track, I could certainly be running more but this weather is so hard to run in. Not actually hard to run in, mainly I just don't want to leave my hot cup of coffee and warm blanket.
I am eating better. For breakfast I have two egg whites, which I actually like better than whole eggs. They are certainly tolerable considering they are an embryo...or chicken abortion. Ugh, I really hate eggs, they are getting easier to tolerate though.
I made squash soup for dinner a couple days ago and that has been supplying me with fuel for the last few days. It's actually pretty delicious. I just used some frozen chicken stock probably....3 large cartons worth if it was from a store. I added in garlic, celery, onions, and carrots that I sauteed in coconut oil until they sweat. I added in two large sweet potatoes skinned and sliced into cubes and one half of a large butternut squash. I let it all cook until they were soft and then blended it. I also added salt, pepper, pepper flakes, and a little cayenne. It's savory and a little spicy and pretty much perfect for autumn yummy foods.

I found this great little product called miracle noodles, they are zero calorie noodles so I made a marinara with tons of veggies and ground turkey. I added cottage cheese on top because although it still has dairy it makes it taste like lasagna and it is SUPER low in calories.

So apparently this entire blog is heading towards just talking about food, but since that is one of my loves in life I'm trying to find a new way to love food, same comfort food ideas, less calories, more nutrition. OH another delicious food recipe. Creamed cauliflower instead of mashed potato. I steam a head of cauliflower, then put it in the food processor with a little coconut butter (vegan butter alternative) and cottage cheese to give it a creamy consistency. I always add a scoop of garlic, because well...it's delicious. Salt and pepper, a little cayenne or chili powder and nutritional yeast which makes it kind of cheesy. (if you imagine that cheese is powdered, and healthy tasting)

OK enough about food, seriously this time. I took new before and during pictures and also compared to my best weight loss photo and I haven't gained in weight and currently I am also down another 5 pounds. It's not a ton, but it's not gain. It seems I'm overcoming my plateau, which would happen even faster if I would just get my butt on the treadmill, but currently I'm focusing 100% on the food I put in my body.

So here are my pictures for the week. Or actually what seems to be the first in several months. The one in the grey quarter length shirt is from July I believe which was 2 months into my journey and the white shirt is my first day which was May 31,2012. The picture in the grey t shirt was 5 days ago. I have lost another 5 lbs since that picture was taken but I don't see a difference. I still feel exactly the same as I did in the first picture and I actually don't believe I lost weight until I see the picture which is evidence that it really happened.

And my measurements for the week.

 MAY 31  OCTOBER 12, 2012           NOV 19, 2012
 NECK 16               Neck:15                      Neck:15
 BICEP:20              Bicep:18                       Bicep:16

 ARM 13                Arm:12                          Arm:10

 CHEST:48             Bust:42                          Bust:41
 WAIST: 45            Waist:39                       Waist:38

 STOMACH:52           Stomach:49                   Stomach:45

 HIPS:52              Hips:45                         Hips 43

THIGH:28                Thigh:27                          Thigh:25

 CALF: 18                  Calf:17                           Calf 16

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Things I genuinely suck at

So this week I have really sucked at getting on the treadmill and there is no good excuse for it. So I am not weighing in because it hasn't changed. Instead I will tell you all what I genuinely suck at. There are a lot of things I am just overall no good, very bad at. And some things I am very proud of.

Things I suck at:

1- Sweeping the floor.

 I am a mom, a housewife, a nanny and a student so you would think after all of these things I would be able to properly sweep my floor but I can't. I don't think there is any good reason for my lack of ability in this area but I pretty much always leave a trail of crumbs either behind me or under something.

2-Doing the dishes.

 If I actually do the dishes, I guarantee that there will at least be one thing left in the sink. I always leave one thing. Just one. Not two. Just one. Why? I have no idea, it just feels comfortable to leave one thing.

3-Leaving water on my nightstand.

 There is always a collection of cups on my nightstand. I could probably clean them of in the morning, but I don't.

4-Shaving my legs.

 I aways remember to shave my arm pits, which is a relief to you all I'm sure. I never remember to shave my legs. More than once I have went and got a pedicure or massage and thought mid massage "CRAP! She can feel my furry legs! I forgot to shave!" followed by thoughts of what she is thinking about my furry legs. In my defense I have never had dark or sharp hairs. When I do shave it takes about 4 days before you can even see ANY hair growing back, it looks barely like peach fuzz after a week. Also, does anyone really know how to shave a knee? Ok let's move on...awkward.

5- Putting away my clothes.

I always have a basket full of fully folded laundry next to my closet. I would honestly rather re wash it than have to put it away.

6- Cooking meat.

 I have never been a big meat eater and I have absolutely no idea how to buy or cook any meat other than chicken and fish.

7- Sports.

This could probably be broken down section by section but overall I think the general idea is that if there is a ball in the sport, I probably suck at it.

8- Running-

 This also contributes to why I suck at sports. I'm awkward and uncoordinated and I'm not very fast. I do this for exercise because I enjoy it, it doesn't mean I'm good at it.

9- Not breaking things

. I pretty much break anything and everything. If you can break it, I will. I don't know why I'm so prone to this. I'm really careful too. I have lost several phones to water (toilets, dog bowls, bath tubs, puddles, cups, beer) Just last week I broke a camera, two bowls, two cups, and a picture.

10- Laundry-

 I always forget to switch the laundry and end up with sour laundry. Oops.

11- Procrastinating

 As a student this is the worst. I put everything off to the very last second. In fact I am procrastinating right now! I should be doing assignments, but no. I am blogging.

12- Staying up on my own two feet

I fall. Like, all the time.

13.- Checking voicemails.

 Just to give you an idea of this. I just looked at my phone. 27 new voice mails. 27. Moral of this story is, if it's an emergency don't leave me a voicemail.

14.- Cleaning out my purse

 there are tons of receipts, wrappers, toys, crumbs, cards, gum that has never even been opened. I used to always keep my purses clean. Now with a baby, I just have bigger fish to fry.

15.- Finishing something before I get something new.

 This is general this also applies to: Shampoo and conditioner, hair products, toothpaste, chapstick, lipstick, perfume, vitamins, laundry soap, fabric softener, dish soap. Everything. I pretty much always have at least 3 back ups for everything I could possibly one day run out of.


 I would love to say that I'm good at this , but sometimes I just think there are better things to do. What's really terrible is that once I am doing it everyday, I love it! I just can't get myself to get on the darn treadmill sometimes.

17- Matching up socks.

 I don't own any matching socks. Are there mates? Probably. I don't know where though.

18- Saying no to my dog.

 Yeah, I'm that lady. The dog looks at me, the eyes get bulgy, makes a cute sound. OK do whatever you want pug.

19- Cleaning my car.

 It's clean-ish. There is just mail everywhere.

20- Zumba-

It's so fun. I'm pretty sure I look ridiculous though.

OK so there are 20 things that I genuinely suck at. What do you suck at?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ooh, So that was a hiatus? Maybe?

Yessss I knowwwwwwwwww, I wasn't here writing. First things first, I've kind of been a lazy piece of poo. Not in the sense of life, just in the sense of working out and writing on blogville. This summer I took a hiatus of the computer sort, after spring term ended and my summer began I shut my laptop and didn't open it again until fall term started 4 weeks ago. Which means..why haven't I been on here? Why didn't I blog throughout the summer? Where am I as far as my weight loss journey? All good questions. First this summer I got a nannying job...well actually 3 nannying jobs

. During the week Monday through Friday all summer I watched 3-5 kids during the day until about 6 pm or 2 pm depending on the day and the kids, and then I picked up another nannying job where I got up at 6 a.m.

 and got kids ready and shuffled them off to their daily activities or picked them up. In which case I would come back home at 8:30 a.m. and get up my baby, give him breakfast

 and change his diaper, then have more kids arrive at 9:30-10 and then didn't leave until the end of the day where I made dinner, picked up the house again, and then gave my baby a bath, story time........

(deep breath), cuddle and bed.

 Longest run on sentence ever

 But you get the point it was busy.

So then I started walking their dog in the afternoons after the kids left, and started picking their kids up from school and taking them to their ballet class etc. So I stopped working out. It's an excuse, maybe. But one that felt pretty legitimate throughout the summer. Once school started I went down to two kids, a dog and then my little family and it has started feeling "normal" again.

 I am taking 5 classes this term. Anti bias education, Observation and Assessment, Developmentally appropriate practices, Promoting social/emotional wellness of children, and Creating curriculum. Basically a whole bunch of teaching classes for my elementary teaching degree (dun dun dun dun!)

My grandparents recently - two days ago- loaned me their treadmill/weight bench so I began running again. I have a thing that I cannot stand to be working out if I am not also eating healthy (mainly because I absolutely hate working out so it better count!) So I'm back at it. I have ran the last two days. I have only been doing 2 miles per day. I'm pretty sure my measurements are off quite a bit, but I lost two additional pounds and didn't gain over the summer. Which in theory is good.

I have been dying when running, not running after an entire summer off and then hopping back on the train is incredibly difficult. I had no idea how far I would set myself back.
Since this is about accountability I will give my measurements.


That is always the hardest part for me, sharing something that I consider so very personal, but I am not going to stay at this weight or these measurements. They are my starting point. We all have set backs, I think technically this is week...17 ...so here it goes again. I always try to remember that I didn't get this way in a month, it was years of bad habits, so now that I am trying to break those bad habits, I am not expecting fast results. I just want to be a happier version of myself, I want to be able to show my son a wonderful example of what a woman should be like emotionally. I want to have the confidence and self worth that will make him want to find a woman who takes pride in herself, not just physically but mentally and emotionally.

Hopefully next week will be a bit more exciting for you all. :)
Until we meet again.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week 5 completed

Whew, first off. It's hot. I went running today. (haha <-- I went running today...weird) It was hot as balls. I don't know what that really means but it seems like that could be what it is as hot as. I already took a shower and cooled off and I'm still sweating. If sweat is really just fat crying, well, my fat is bawling it's eyes out today.

 On another note. I have not learned to love running, but what I have learned is to love the way running makes me feel! Which I think is probably just as good. Also, I love eating healthy. I haven't felt sick in weeks. I used to always get super nauseous from different foods with dairy or gluten which I am allergic to both but since cutting all of that out of my diet I feel like a different person. I am feeling more confident and more comfortable in my skin. I don't see any difference in my body, but the strength and the ability to run give me confidence in my body because I see it in a different way. My body is now a tool that I can use rather than a bag of skin that I hate.

 TMI, true story. I have never worn deodorant or had B.O. in my life. I have bought deodorant and let it sit on my shelf for months at a time without ever having to use it. Now that I am eating raw and juicing I have the worst B.O. evaaaaaarr. It kind of makes me want to puke. I went shopping this week for new clothes, I haven't enjoyed shopping since before Noah was born and for the first time I ended up with a haul instead of a shirt and I look good in every single one! I even had to choose which ones I wanted and leave some at the store (that's very unusual when I hated my body!)

Also, today is an exciting day. I have officially lost 31 lbs. Which means...ugh...I really don't want to ever have to reveal how much I weighed at my largest so I will just say I'm under the first landmark of a weigh in. I began this journey a short 5 weeks ago, I had 86 pounds to lose. As of today I have 45 left! 45 sounds so much more reasonable than 86. I can freaking do this!

If you want to know if I'm cheating or not eating, I'm not!(woohoo) I have been drinking home made raw almond juice in the morning with some spinach and berries in it. For lunch I have spinach with tomatoes and smoked salmon and dinner I have been making a healthy family dinner. Last night I made curry ginger fried rice with tons of veggies. C

ounting calories has been key for me. Also no matter how little I want to work out during the day I do it anyway. I figure even if I do it 1/2 arse, I'm at least doing it. I have decided that I have not once regretted working out, or going an extra mile but I do regret it when I don't. So  it has helped push me further than ever before. I have been running 2 miles per day at 12 minutes a piece which is KILLLER for me. Even in high school I was lucky to run a 13 minute mile, but I never did it because I wanted it until now. Okay enough of me blabbing. Measurements.

Beginning                   Week 5

16                            15                                                                        

20                            16


13                            10


48                             40                                             

45                             37


51                             45

52                              43

28                               24


17                                16

Saturday, June 30, 2012

WEEK 4, First month down and 1/4 to weightloss goal!!

That's right. It has been 30 days since I began this journey and I am proud to say that not only am I enjoying it but i'm progressively getting better at it.

 So the first thing I was able to do this last week that wouldn't be cool unless you've ever been overweight and a female is that I got to take out my bra extender that I have worn since I got pregnant with Noah, which means I don't have as much back fat hahahah. Yeah, it's the little triumphs that get me through the week.

 I have started running little portions of my once "heave-ho" difficult walk. I can now run the length of 1 block until it starts escalating too far uphill and then I slow down more and more. I haven't allowed myself to take breaks or do anything but a speed walk/jog.
 Running with a baby stroller and a dog is more work than doing it without too! So much resistance when running up hills or down. It uses a completely different set of muscles.

I have been really enjoying the juicing but still had a few meals that I was bad. It isn't striving for perfection but for a changed lifestyle so I'm not considering my "oops" cheating, I just jump back on the band wagon and strive for the best everyday.

The best thing I have learned this week is that my body is so much stronger than my mind. I have conquered some pretty big things for my not very little body. Each time I want to stop I just tell myself that even though I don't think I can do it, my body is fully capable. So woo hoo to determination!

 I have also lost 24 pounds as of today, 43 lbs is my 1/2 way goal so technically I am 1/4 of the way through today. My BMI has also changed from 38. something to 31.8.

Now for measurements.

Beginning                     Week 4

16                               15                   

20                               15


13                               10                                                                         


48                               41                                             

45                               37                                             


51                               46

52                               42

28                                25                          


17                                16

Total loss 43"

and now for pictures.

Left is week 1 right is week 4

Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 3 completed

This week is easier again. I have been consistently juicing two of my meals per day

. I have always hated ginger but lately ginger has become my best friend. Ginger and lemon are a delicious combo for any juice.

 I also found out that if I sandwich my spinach between two juicy fruits, it juices much easier. It has simply become a part of my daily routine.

We live on the hills of east medford, which means I have excellent walking terrain. I have been pushing myself to speed walk up all of the biggest hills in my neighborhood for no less than an hour everyday. I am surprised and pleased to say that it has become enjoyable and gradually less difficult.

The first day I decided to walk the hills I got to the top of our street and had to take a break(aka I heave-hoed the whole way).

 I don't have a problem walking but walking up hills with a fast pace along with a baby and dog make it much more difficult.

 I think I am going to try to add in zumba at some time of the day along with the walking. I have been walking an hour a day for three days and each day I have made my route a little longer.

 When we get home, Noah and I go in the back and cool off with the hose or sprinkler. It's been a fun thing for the two of us. Every time he sees Bernie walking next to the stroller he lets out a big giggle.

 I have been eating with the rules of "You can eat it if it comes from the ground, or has a mother" (with that said, I hate eggs, beef, pork, and I don't eat potatoes, avocado or mango (too much fat)) So I've been cooking with fish, chicken, veggies and fruit.

 I found that if I make a trip to the store about every two days or so it replenishes what I use for juicing and it's fun to find new food. Noah loves to help count the fruit and place them in the bags.

Overall, boring week for the blog, since I've been staying on track but uh good for me!

Also deliciousness to try:
Blueberry Ginger Lemonade

a little thing I made up last night with my juicer.

I juiced 5 lemons, 3 small nubs of ginger, and about a cup of blueberries.
Add the blueberries into the mix.
I used some raw sugar. I would tell you how much but I didn't measure..
Maybe 1/2 cup or so.

I lost 1 lb this week. Not much but something. I think part of it is that I've been walking so I'm gaining a bit of muscle. Also my non existent abs hurt.
I hope they decide to come through and not just hurt at some point.

Total weight loss 16 lbs.

Beginning              Week Two                       Week 3

16                            15                         15


20                            17                         16


13                            11                         10


48                            44                         40


45                            39                         37


51                            49                         47


52                            50                         43


28                            29                         24


17                            17                         16

Total Inches Lost so far : 42"
Take that fat.

 and for now imagine how skinny I must look because I can't find my shirt. Must do laundry.

Ok, I don't look that different.

but imagine it.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week two-Welcome to hell

Ah, week two. You came and went on the 13th of June and honestly, I loathe your very existence.

 I was much less strict on my food intake this week. I ate all raw the first week. The first part of week two I ate out twice. Once at Angelos pizza. Here's the thing about eating raw and juicing and then trying to eat pizza.

 It doesn't work.

 How you ask? Well first I grabbed a piece of pizza. I scanned over the slices and thought "I will pick the cheesiest, best piece there" and I did.

 The cheese made a long string as I picked it up. The thing about cheese is, after you haven't had it for 7 days when you have eaten it all the time for 2 years...you miss it! I don't mean, "Ah, cheese, yeah it's pretty good." I mean salivating at the very thought of the delicious gooey mass atop a heaping pile of meat and gluten.

So I hunkered down into my booth getting ready for this first delectable bite and as it slides down into my tummy I immediately hear (grumble, grumble). I take another bite, (grumble, grumble, ROAR). One more bite just to test it out (grumble,grumble, ROAR, PAIN!). And then out of fear of my intestines and stomach completely rejecting whatever food I placed in it, I gave up and didn't eat the rest of that delicious slice of pizza.

Ok body, you win.

Immediate punishment for eating bad food. I get it.

 After I went home I went directly back onto the lifechange and ate good food for a few days until I decided it was a cheeseburger shake kind of day. I paid handsomely for the decision as well.

Since that day I have been juicing raw fruits and veggies for the past 4 days. It makes my body much happier, however I do miss the very act of masticating my nutrition. I am eating 1 meal that is real food for dinner so I just don't go crazy.

 So after my giant rant of how my body feels about junk food here are my measurements for week 2.

                Starting                                    Week 2
Neck:       16                                             15
Bicep:      20                                             17
Forearm:    13                                             11
Chest:      48                                             44
Waist:      45                                             39
Gut:        51                                             49
Hips:       52                                             50
Thigh:      28                                             29
Calves:     17                                             17

I have only lost 1 lb this week since last week. I gained back 2 and then lost 3 for the week but only 1 since my last check in.
Total lost so far:16

Inches lost so far: 19" round trip. Woop woop!


Awkward tight shirt photos- Top of each with purple is week 2. I don't see a difference but I feel better.

Welcome to my messy bathroom.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lifechange day 8

Dun dun dun dunnnnn! Week one of my lifechange is over. Man, cravings were so bad the first few days. It was all I could do to not just say "SCREW THIS! I'M GETTING ICE CREAM!" I am trying to think of this as an addiction, food is my substance and I need to learn to give food a new respect that I have never given it. I am trying to heal from the inside out. I have confronted my issues of overeating, secret eating, and eating out of boredom and for the last week I have done NONE of them. NONE! Whew that's a first.

 Food is supposed to be the fuel that runs my body, I have always indulged in the decadence of food, the very art that it is. I love cooking, baking and creating whatever I can with food. I didn't care how it was prepared as long as it was delicious and orgasmic to my tastebuds. I have a different point of view today, for the last week I have eaten 90% raw, 10% protein with two pieces of chicken out of the lean mean grill machine per day. I am considering going 100% raw.

I feel better than I have in months and that is no exaggeration! Even with finals and a 1 year old I still have more energy and am less stressed than usual. I truly have a dedication to this that I have never had and when I went to bed last night I didn't think "I am going to try to lose 80 lbs this year", I said "I'm GOING TO lose 80 lbs this year!"

I started with 86 pounds to lose and I am down to 73 lbs to lose. So far i'm kicking butt and taking names. Someone shake me if I lose the motivation that I have right now! I also lost a total of 15 inches.

Here's my embarassing inches. I would prefer that no one knew this information but I feel that to become healed from the inside out I need to do this and own up to what I have done to my own body and know that this is a starting point, it's not where I will be forever, and it's not where I am now.

Starting                As of June 6,2012
    16                      15
    20                      18
    13                      12
    48                      44
    45                      41

I am going to add one in here because it is the most important to me. I didn't take a starting measurement so it will be as of today.

GUT!                        51 (EMBARASSING!)

   52                       47
   28                       29
   17                       17

I'm sure i'll be back before the end of the week but I will add measurements again on June 13, 2012 which is my 2 week mark.

As suggested I added photos, thse are as of today, like three minutes ago. I would NEVVVVER wear this shirt, but I feel like a snug shirt is the best choice to show the progress. I'll take pictures in this shirt combo until it doesn't fit anymore (psh totally won't fit soon)
 Sorry for the lack of make up ya'll. Just fresh out of the shower

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

You can do anything for one day!

I think that it would be easy to say "I need to get a gym membership and start working out, I'm getting a little squishier around the edges than I would like". But, I now realize it is more than that. I am writing this post and putting my feelings out into the world, so I would appreciate kind words or criticism only.

I am a mom now, motherhood does things to your mind that I never realized. I never realized how my being overweight could affect my future, nor did I think it was hurting anyone. I now realize though that it can, and will if I don't learn to change it. As a parent, my job is to teach. I am teaching my son everyday to learn to eat, and be active. He will imitate and model my behaviour into his childhood.

 I don't usually feel like I am terribly overweight but then when I see pictures of myself I don't see the same person that I feel like. It's like a complete stranger is looking back at me. It's the weirdest feeling, I don't know if anyone relates to this but it's like I'm trapped inside the body of a fat woman that I don't know. I want to not only learn to be a more fit person but I need to learn to love myself. The hardest person for me to love is myself. I see all of my faults and short comings and I can seem to control everyone and everything except myself.

I realized that I had a problem when I noticed that I can lie to myself. I can have a smoothie, or a cookie and think "No one saw it, so it doesn't mean I ate it. " How freaking ass backwards is that?! I never realized how weird it was, then one day I just woke up and thought, "Crap man, I made myself fat." I made myself fat. Every bite I take is what effects my waistline. I think that I have a problem within myself, mentally that is contributing to my lack of control over the food I eat.

 I want to be able to find a healthy relationship with food so that I can pass it on to my son and feel confident that we are living a lifestyle that will set him up for a positive future. I truly never realized that I, myself, and only me made myself fat. I would like to find a supportive group of people that will not ask me to go eat an ice cream or drink a beer because god knows I will.

I from this day forward am going to vow to TRY my hardest to overcome this. I feel like I can do anything for one day. So this will be my motto. "You can do anything for one day!". If you want to help me stay on track, offer advice, take me on a long walk, whatever- I'm up for it.

I need to save my own life.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Second hair cut

We just got your second hair cut, and man, your hair was scraggly!
It was almost a full on mullet!
After a short ride on moms lap at the salon it's nice and short again.
You look so handsome!

and the night before your hair cut I captured this little picture. You were so hot so I didn't put pajamas on. You looked like such a little boy though.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our first little fam bam bacation! Vacation, What?

Dear Noah,

Is that a thing?
I think I just made it one. 

Whew! I have been feeling overwhelmed as of late. I love being a mommy, and I also wanted to be able to provide for my family so that we can have nice things someday so I am pursuing my teaching degree. I just calculated that I have now been in school for 3 years and I don't have a degree yet. I decided to go back to school full time and this last term I took 16 credits, and I have you. Being 15 months old right now, you are a heck of a hand full sometimes. I forgot what it was like to be a student, after being able to just enjoy being a mom, waking up, cooking you breakfast and playing with you all day. Now I have large assignments and deadlines. I sometimes just miss being able to grab you up into bed and snuggle you for the morning.

I noticed that dad was looking just as overwhelmed as I was. Being a daddy and having to provide for us all is a hard job, and he does such a wonderful job. I wanted to be able to reward us with our first family vacation.

Since you were born last February we haven't left the Rogue Valley together, in fact the furthest you have ever been from home is your grandparents house. I decided to book us a house at the coast for three days. I looked around and called and was surprised that there were places that didn't take children! I also had to bring the dog Bernie, because without him, we don't feel like a full family. He was my kid before having kids and I am so pleased with how much he loves *cough* and tolerates *cough* you.

I found a place called Whales Head that is just outside of Brookings where daddy and I started. When dad and I first met we stayed in Brookings on our first trip, we moved there together when dad opened his first At&t store and then found out we were having you when we lived there. So the coast has always had a home like effect for me. It was where we fell in love and where our lives began to change with you.

I was so excited for our trip, dad had been pretty sick but he wanted to get out too. So we packed everybody except for the cat into our car and headed to the beach.

The first day we got there we left off the t.v., ate some smart shop sammies (my favorite sandwiches when I was pregnant with you in Brookings) and spent time together.

You spent time sitting and reading with dad. (about 30 seconds at a time "UP, DOWN, UP DOWN!)

Dad decided to go to the bookshelf to look for some kid movies.
 You always do this thing...
When you see an opportunity to use something as a seat, you seize this moment.
You waddle your little buns in a duck like motion (always backwards) and plop onto your new chair.
It just so happens that.....


We loved watching you out on the deck, you kept bouncing on pillows and giggling away. You loved kicking up your feet on the chairs and relaxing while you ate your lunch.

Day #2 We woke up and played games like usual :) Dad and I put you in the bedroom so you could sleep and we could sit out on the balcony and talk but after we put you to bed. We just ended up passing out too!

(you needed a haircut )
After, we headed off to the aquarium. Where we forced you to pretend to surf on the little surf board. Your balance is about as good as mine, so dad took this picture with you :)

You got to pet sea anemones and starfish (but really I think you just liked to splash in the water)
You looked at fish
and even pet a shark!

(Don't worry, it was just a baby, and they don't bite).

You picked out rocks.
Rocks seem to be your very favorite thing in the world. You find them wherever we go and keep them until we get home so mom got you a very small bag which was also VERY expensive for 4 rocks.

Before we left the coast we stopped by the beach so you could experience sand for the first time. Bernie ran as far as he could kicking up sand, and all you wanted to do is sit down and let it slip between your fingers and watch it fall back and disappear into the rest.

You sat in the sand and picked up big balls of moist sand and would throw them hard and look side to side wondering where they went.

I am so thankful for these moments together little boy.
You are such a wonderful blessing to me, I am lucky to be your mom.