Saturday, June 30, 2012

WEEK 4, First month down and 1/4 to weightloss goal!!

That's right. It has been 30 days since I began this journey and I am proud to say that not only am I enjoying it but i'm progressively getting better at it.

 So the first thing I was able to do this last week that wouldn't be cool unless you've ever been overweight and a female is that I got to take out my bra extender that I have worn since I got pregnant with Noah, which means I don't have as much back fat hahahah. Yeah, it's the little triumphs that get me through the week.

 I have started running little portions of my once "heave-ho" difficult walk. I can now run the length of 1 block until it starts escalating too far uphill and then I slow down more and more. I haven't allowed myself to take breaks or do anything but a speed walk/jog.
 Running with a baby stroller and a dog is more work than doing it without too! So much resistance when running up hills or down. It uses a completely different set of muscles.

I have been really enjoying the juicing but still had a few meals that I was bad. It isn't striving for perfection but for a changed lifestyle so I'm not considering my "oops" cheating, I just jump back on the band wagon and strive for the best everyday.

The best thing I have learned this week is that my body is so much stronger than my mind. I have conquered some pretty big things for my not very little body. Each time I want to stop I just tell myself that even though I don't think I can do it, my body is fully capable. So woo hoo to determination!

 I have also lost 24 pounds as of today, 43 lbs is my 1/2 way goal so technically I am 1/4 of the way through today. My BMI has also changed from 38. something to 31.8.

Now for measurements.

Beginning                     Week 4

16                               15                   

20                               15


13                               10                                                                         


48                               41                                             

45                               37                                             


51                               46

52                               42

28                                25                          


17                                16

Total loss 43"

and now for pictures.

Left is week 1 right is week 4

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