Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our first little fam bam bacation! Vacation, What?

Dear Noah,

Is that a thing?
I think I just made it one. 

Whew! I have been feeling overwhelmed as of late. I love being a mommy, and I also wanted to be able to provide for my family so that we can have nice things someday so I am pursuing my teaching degree. I just calculated that I have now been in school for 3 years and I don't have a degree yet. I decided to go back to school full time and this last term I took 16 credits, and I have you. Being 15 months old right now, you are a heck of a hand full sometimes. I forgot what it was like to be a student, after being able to just enjoy being a mom, waking up, cooking you breakfast and playing with you all day. Now I have large assignments and deadlines. I sometimes just miss being able to grab you up into bed and snuggle you for the morning.

I noticed that dad was looking just as overwhelmed as I was. Being a daddy and having to provide for us all is a hard job, and he does such a wonderful job. I wanted to be able to reward us with our first family vacation.

Since you were born last February we haven't left the Rogue Valley together, in fact the furthest you have ever been from home is your grandparents house. I decided to book us a house at the coast for three days. I looked around and called and was surprised that there were places that didn't take children! I also had to bring the dog Bernie, because without him, we don't feel like a full family. He was my kid before having kids and I am so pleased with how much he loves *cough* and tolerates *cough* you.

I found a place called Whales Head that is just outside of Brookings where daddy and I started. When dad and I first met we stayed in Brookings on our first trip, we moved there together when dad opened his first At&t store and then found out we were having you when we lived there. So the coast has always had a home like effect for me. It was where we fell in love and where our lives began to change with you.

I was so excited for our trip, dad had been pretty sick but he wanted to get out too. So we packed everybody except for the cat into our car and headed to the beach.

The first day we got there we left off the t.v., ate some smart shop sammies (my favorite sandwiches when I was pregnant with you in Brookings) and spent time together.

You spent time sitting and reading with dad. (about 30 seconds at a time "UP, DOWN, UP DOWN!)

Dad decided to go to the bookshelf to look for some kid movies.
 You always do this thing...
When you see an opportunity to use something as a seat, you seize this moment.
You waddle your little buns in a duck like motion (always backwards) and plop onto your new chair.
It just so happens that.....


We loved watching you out on the deck, you kept bouncing on pillows and giggling away. You loved kicking up your feet on the chairs and relaxing while you ate your lunch.

Day #2 We woke up and played games like usual :) Dad and I put you in the bedroom so you could sleep and we could sit out on the balcony and talk but after we put you to bed. We just ended up passing out too!

(you needed a haircut )
After, we headed off to the aquarium. Where we forced you to pretend to surf on the little surf board. Your balance is about as good as mine, so dad took this picture with you :)

You got to pet sea anemones and starfish (but really I think you just liked to splash in the water)
You looked at fish
and even pet a shark!

(Don't worry, it was just a baby, and they don't bite).

You picked out rocks.
Rocks seem to be your very favorite thing in the world. You find them wherever we go and keep them until we get home so mom got you a very small bag which was also VERY expensive for 4 rocks.

Before we left the coast we stopped by the beach so you could experience sand for the first time. Bernie ran as far as he could kicking up sand, and all you wanted to do is sit down and let it slip between your fingers and watch it fall back and disappear into the rest.

You sat in the sand and picked up big balls of moist sand and would throw them hard and look side to side wondering where they went.

I am so thankful for these moments together little boy.
You are such a wonderful blessing to me, I am lucky to be your mom.

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