Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 3 completed

This week is easier again. I have been consistently juicing two of my meals per day

. I have always hated ginger but lately ginger has become my best friend. Ginger and lemon are a delicious combo for any juice.

 I also found out that if I sandwich my spinach between two juicy fruits, it juices much easier. It has simply become a part of my daily routine.

We live on the hills of east medford, which means I have excellent walking terrain. I have been pushing myself to speed walk up all of the biggest hills in my neighborhood for no less than an hour everyday. I am surprised and pleased to say that it has become enjoyable and gradually less difficult.

The first day I decided to walk the hills I got to the top of our street and had to take a break(aka I heave-hoed the whole way).

 I don't have a problem walking but walking up hills with a fast pace along with a baby and dog make it much more difficult.

 I think I am going to try to add in zumba at some time of the day along with the walking. I have been walking an hour a day for three days and each day I have made my route a little longer.

 When we get home, Noah and I go in the back and cool off with the hose or sprinkler. It's been a fun thing for the two of us. Every time he sees Bernie walking next to the stroller he lets out a big giggle.

 I have been eating with the rules of "You can eat it if it comes from the ground, or has a mother" (with that said, I hate eggs, beef, pork, and I don't eat potatoes, avocado or mango (too much fat)) So I've been cooking with fish, chicken, veggies and fruit.

 I found that if I make a trip to the store about every two days or so it replenishes what I use for juicing and it's fun to find new food. Noah loves to help count the fruit and place them in the bags.

Overall, boring week for the blog, since I've been staying on track but uh good for me!

Also deliciousness to try:
Blueberry Ginger Lemonade

a little thing I made up last night with my juicer.

I juiced 5 lemons, 3 small nubs of ginger, and about a cup of blueberries.
Add the blueberries into the mix.
I used some raw sugar. I would tell you how much but I didn't measure..
Maybe 1/2 cup or so.

I lost 1 lb this week. Not much but something. I think part of it is that I've been walking so I'm gaining a bit of muscle. Also my non existent abs hurt.
I hope they decide to come through and not just hurt at some point.

Total weight loss 16 lbs.

Beginning              Week Two                       Week 3

16                            15                         15


20                            17                         16


13                            11                         10


48                            44                         40


45                            39                         37


51                            49                         47


52                            50                         43


28                            29                         24


17                            17                         16

Total Inches Lost so far : 42"
Take that fat.

 and for now imagine how skinny I must look because I can't find my shirt. Must do laundry.

Ok, I don't look that different.

but imagine it.

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