Saturday, October 27, 2012

Things I genuinely suck at

So this week I have really sucked at getting on the treadmill and there is no good excuse for it. So I am not weighing in because it hasn't changed. Instead I will tell you all what I genuinely suck at. There are a lot of things I am just overall no good, very bad at. And some things I am very proud of.

Things I suck at:

1- Sweeping the floor.

 I am a mom, a housewife, a nanny and a student so you would think after all of these things I would be able to properly sweep my floor but I can't. I don't think there is any good reason for my lack of ability in this area but I pretty much always leave a trail of crumbs either behind me or under something.

2-Doing the dishes.

 If I actually do the dishes, I guarantee that there will at least be one thing left in the sink. I always leave one thing. Just one. Not two. Just one. Why? I have no idea, it just feels comfortable to leave one thing.

3-Leaving water on my nightstand.

 There is always a collection of cups on my nightstand. I could probably clean them of in the morning, but I don't.

4-Shaving my legs.

 I aways remember to shave my arm pits, which is a relief to you all I'm sure. I never remember to shave my legs. More than once I have went and got a pedicure or massage and thought mid massage "CRAP! She can feel my furry legs! I forgot to shave!" followed by thoughts of what she is thinking about my furry legs. In my defense I have never had dark or sharp hairs. When I do shave it takes about 4 days before you can even see ANY hair growing back, it looks barely like peach fuzz after a week. Also, does anyone really know how to shave a knee? Ok let's move on...awkward.

5- Putting away my clothes.

I always have a basket full of fully folded laundry next to my closet. I would honestly rather re wash it than have to put it away.

6- Cooking meat.

 I have never been a big meat eater and I have absolutely no idea how to buy or cook any meat other than chicken and fish.

7- Sports.

This could probably be broken down section by section but overall I think the general idea is that if there is a ball in the sport, I probably suck at it.

8- Running-

 This also contributes to why I suck at sports. I'm awkward and uncoordinated and I'm not very fast. I do this for exercise because I enjoy it, it doesn't mean I'm good at it.

9- Not breaking things

. I pretty much break anything and everything. If you can break it, I will. I don't know why I'm so prone to this. I'm really careful too. I have lost several phones to water (toilets, dog bowls, bath tubs, puddles, cups, beer) Just last week I broke a camera, two bowls, two cups, and a picture.

10- Laundry-

 I always forget to switch the laundry and end up with sour laundry. Oops.

11- Procrastinating

 As a student this is the worst. I put everything off to the very last second. In fact I am procrastinating right now! I should be doing assignments, but no. I am blogging.

12- Staying up on my own two feet

I fall. Like, all the time.

13.- Checking voicemails.

 Just to give you an idea of this. I just looked at my phone. 27 new voice mails. 27. Moral of this story is, if it's an emergency don't leave me a voicemail.

14.- Cleaning out my purse

 there are tons of receipts, wrappers, toys, crumbs, cards, gum that has never even been opened. I used to always keep my purses clean. Now with a baby, I just have bigger fish to fry.

15.- Finishing something before I get something new.

 This is general this also applies to: Shampoo and conditioner, hair products, toothpaste, chapstick, lipstick, perfume, vitamins, laundry soap, fabric softener, dish soap. Everything. I pretty much always have at least 3 back ups for everything I could possibly one day run out of.


 I would love to say that I'm good at this , but sometimes I just think there are better things to do. What's really terrible is that once I am doing it everyday, I love it! I just can't get myself to get on the darn treadmill sometimes.

17- Matching up socks.

 I don't own any matching socks. Are there mates? Probably. I don't know where though.

18- Saying no to my dog.

 Yeah, I'm that lady. The dog looks at me, the eyes get bulgy, makes a cute sound. OK do whatever you want pug.

19- Cleaning my car.

 It's clean-ish. There is just mail everywhere.

20- Zumba-

It's so fun. I'm pretty sure I look ridiculous though.

OK so there are 20 things that I genuinely suck at. What do you suck at?

1 comment:

  1. I stuck at most of these things and more! The only exceptions are:
    4-I have to shave my legs because I can feel my hair after about ooooo four hours or so.

    6-I've gotten better at cooking meat. There's definitely a technique to it.

    8-I think I'm pretty average at running. I'm not great, but I don't think I suck either. Running 5k changed my mind I think.

    18-My dog knows who's alpha most of the time. Although he does try to challenge me. lol.

    I do procrastinate, but I have found that to be a strength rather than a weakness, especially in school. I have found I do my best work under stress and pressure. It's just how I function. Also if I did an assignment early I would pick at it and second guess myself until the very day I turned it in. It would be horrible!

    At to what I suck at...well for one is cleaning in general. It seems the more I clean the dirtier the house becomes. It's quite irksome.

    I suck at remembering things. I will try to remember something by saying it over and over again. Out loud and in my head. And not 30 seconds later I have completely spaced it. It's usually important too...

    I REALLY suck at spelling. It's two parts doubting myself and one part actually sucking. Regardless, I suck.

    I also suck at remembering the difference between right and left. Don't ask me why. I have no idea.

    There is a complete plethora of things I suck at, but because I suck at remembering things I don't remember them all! Har Har!(Lame joke I know)

    So your next post is going to be about things you don't suck at, right? ;)
