Saturday, June 30, 2012

WEEK 4, First month down and 1/4 to weightloss goal!!

That's right. It has been 30 days since I began this journey and I am proud to say that not only am I enjoying it but i'm progressively getting better at it.

 So the first thing I was able to do this last week that wouldn't be cool unless you've ever been overweight and a female is that I got to take out my bra extender that I have worn since I got pregnant with Noah, which means I don't have as much back fat hahahah. Yeah, it's the little triumphs that get me through the week.

 I have started running little portions of my once "heave-ho" difficult walk. I can now run the length of 1 block until it starts escalating too far uphill and then I slow down more and more. I haven't allowed myself to take breaks or do anything but a speed walk/jog.
 Running with a baby stroller and a dog is more work than doing it without too! So much resistance when running up hills or down. It uses a completely different set of muscles.

I have been really enjoying the juicing but still had a few meals that I was bad. It isn't striving for perfection but for a changed lifestyle so I'm not considering my "oops" cheating, I just jump back on the band wagon and strive for the best everyday.

The best thing I have learned this week is that my body is so much stronger than my mind. I have conquered some pretty big things for my not very little body. Each time I want to stop I just tell myself that even though I don't think I can do it, my body is fully capable. So woo hoo to determination!

 I have also lost 24 pounds as of today, 43 lbs is my 1/2 way goal so technically I am 1/4 of the way through today. My BMI has also changed from 38. something to 31.8.

Now for measurements.

Beginning                     Week 4

16                               15                   

20                               15


13                               10                                                                         


48                               41                                             

45                               37                                             


51                               46

52                               42

28                                25                          


17                                16

Total loss 43"

and now for pictures.

Left is week 1 right is week 4

Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 3 completed

This week is easier again. I have been consistently juicing two of my meals per day

. I have always hated ginger but lately ginger has become my best friend. Ginger and lemon are a delicious combo for any juice.

 I also found out that if I sandwich my spinach between two juicy fruits, it juices much easier. It has simply become a part of my daily routine.

We live on the hills of east medford, which means I have excellent walking terrain. I have been pushing myself to speed walk up all of the biggest hills in my neighborhood for no less than an hour everyday. I am surprised and pleased to say that it has become enjoyable and gradually less difficult.

The first day I decided to walk the hills I got to the top of our street and had to take a break(aka I heave-hoed the whole way).

 I don't have a problem walking but walking up hills with a fast pace along with a baby and dog make it much more difficult.

 I think I am going to try to add in zumba at some time of the day along with the walking. I have been walking an hour a day for three days and each day I have made my route a little longer.

 When we get home, Noah and I go in the back and cool off with the hose or sprinkler. It's been a fun thing for the two of us. Every time he sees Bernie walking next to the stroller he lets out a big giggle.

 I have been eating with the rules of "You can eat it if it comes from the ground, or has a mother" (with that said, I hate eggs, beef, pork, and I don't eat potatoes, avocado or mango (too much fat)) So I've been cooking with fish, chicken, veggies and fruit.

 I found that if I make a trip to the store about every two days or so it replenishes what I use for juicing and it's fun to find new food. Noah loves to help count the fruit and place them in the bags.

Overall, boring week for the blog, since I've been staying on track but uh good for me!

Also deliciousness to try:
Blueberry Ginger Lemonade

a little thing I made up last night with my juicer.

I juiced 5 lemons, 3 small nubs of ginger, and about a cup of blueberries.
Add the blueberries into the mix.
I used some raw sugar. I would tell you how much but I didn't measure..
Maybe 1/2 cup or so.

I lost 1 lb this week. Not much but something. I think part of it is that I've been walking so I'm gaining a bit of muscle. Also my non existent abs hurt.
I hope they decide to come through and not just hurt at some point.

Total weight loss 16 lbs.

Beginning              Week Two                       Week 3

16                            15                         15


20                            17                         16


13                            11                         10


48                            44                         40


45                            39                         37


51                            49                         47


52                            50                         43


28                            29                         24


17                            17                         16

Total Inches Lost so far : 42"
Take that fat.

 and for now imagine how skinny I must look because I can't find my shirt. Must do laundry.

Ok, I don't look that different.

but imagine it.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week two-Welcome to hell

Ah, week two. You came and went on the 13th of June and honestly, I loathe your very existence.

 I was much less strict on my food intake this week. I ate all raw the first week. The first part of week two I ate out twice. Once at Angelos pizza. Here's the thing about eating raw and juicing and then trying to eat pizza.

 It doesn't work.

 How you ask? Well first I grabbed a piece of pizza. I scanned over the slices and thought "I will pick the cheesiest, best piece there" and I did.

 The cheese made a long string as I picked it up. The thing about cheese is, after you haven't had it for 7 days when you have eaten it all the time for 2 miss it! I don't mean, "Ah, cheese, yeah it's pretty good." I mean salivating at the very thought of the delicious gooey mass atop a heaping pile of meat and gluten.

So I hunkered down into my booth getting ready for this first delectable bite and as it slides down into my tummy I immediately hear (grumble, grumble). I take another bite, (grumble, grumble, ROAR). One more bite just to test it out (grumble,grumble, ROAR, PAIN!). And then out of fear of my intestines and stomach completely rejecting whatever food I placed in it, I gave up and didn't eat the rest of that delicious slice of pizza.

Ok body, you win.

Immediate punishment for eating bad food. I get it.

 After I went home I went directly back onto the lifechange and ate good food for a few days until I decided it was a cheeseburger shake kind of day. I paid handsomely for the decision as well.

Since that day I have been juicing raw fruits and veggies for the past 4 days. It makes my body much happier, however I do miss the very act of masticating my nutrition. I am eating 1 meal that is real food for dinner so I just don't go crazy.

 So after my giant rant of how my body feels about junk food here are my measurements for week 2.

                Starting                                    Week 2
Neck:       16                                             15
Bicep:      20                                             17
Forearm:    13                                             11
Chest:      48                                             44
Waist:      45                                             39
Gut:        51                                             49
Hips:       52                                             50
Thigh:      28                                             29
Calves:     17                                             17

I have only lost 1 lb this week since last week. I gained back 2 and then lost 3 for the week but only 1 since my last check in.
Total lost so far:16

Inches lost so far: 19" round trip. Woop woop!


Awkward tight shirt photos- Top of each with purple is week 2. I don't see a difference but I feel better.

Welcome to my messy bathroom.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lifechange day 8

Dun dun dun dunnnnn! Week one of my lifechange is over. Man, cravings were so bad the first few days. It was all I could do to not just say "SCREW THIS! I'M GETTING ICE CREAM!" I am trying to think of this as an addiction, food is my substance and I need to learn to give food a new respect that I have never given it. I am trying to heal from the inside out. I have confronted my issues of overeating, secret eating, and eating out of boredom and for the last week I have done NONE of them. NONE! Whew that's a first.

 Food is supposed to be the fuel that runs my body, I have always indulged in the decadence of food, the very art that it is. I love cooking, baking and creating whatever I can with food. I didn't care how it was prepared as long as it was delicious and orgasmic to my tastebuds. I have a different point of view today, for the last week I have eaten 90% raw, 10% protein with two pieces of chicken out of the lean mean grill machine per day. I am considering going 100% raw.

I feel better than I have in months and that is no exaggeration! Even with finals and a 1 year old I still have more energy and am less stressed than usual. I truly have a dedication to this that I have never had and when I went to bed last night I didn't think "I am going to try to lose 80 lbs this year", I said "I'm GOING TO lose 80 lbs this year!"

I started with 86 pounds to lose and I am down to 73 lbs to lose. So far i'm kicking butt and taking names. Someone shake me if I lose the motivation that I have right now! I also lost a total of 15 inches.

Here's my embarassing inches. I would prefer that no one knew this information but I feel that to become healed from the inside out I need to do this and own up to what I have done to my own body and know that this is a starting point, it's not where I will be forever, and it's not where I am now.

Starting                As of June 6,2012
    16                      15
    20                      18
    13                      12
    48                      44
    45                      41

I am going to add one in here because it is the most important to me. I didn't take a starting measurement so it will be as of today.

GUT!                        51 (EMBARASSING!)

   52                       47
   28                       29
   17                       17

I'm sure i'll be back before the end of the week but I will add measurements again on June 13, 2012 which is my 2 week mark.

As suggested I added photos, thse are as of today, like three minutes ago. I would NEVVVVER wear this shirt, but I feel like a snug shirt is the best choice to show the progress. I'll take pictures in this shirt combo until it doesn't fit anymore (psh totally won't fit soon)
 Sorry for the lack of make up ya'll. Just fresh out of the shower

Wish me luck!