Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week 5 completed

Whew, first off. It's hot. I went running today. (haha <-- I went running today...weird) It was hot as balls. I don't know what that really means but it seems like that could be what it is as hot as. I already took a shower and cooled off and I'm still sweating. If sweat is really just fat crying, well, my fat is bawling it's eyes out today.

 On another note. I have not learned to love running, but what I have learned is to love the way running makes me feel! Which I think is probably just as good. Also, I love eating healthy. I haven't felt sick in weeks. I used to always get super nauseous from different foods with dairy or gluten which I am allergic to both but since cutting all of that out of my diet I feel like a different person. I am feeling more confident and more comfortable in my skin. I don't see any difference in my body, but the strength and the ability to run give me confidence in my body because I see it in a different way. My body is now a tool that I can use rather than a bag of skin that I hate.

 TMI, true story. I have never worn deodorant or had B.O. in my life. I have bought deodorant and let it sit on my shelf for months at a time without ever having to use it. Now that I am eating raw and juicing I have the worst B.O. evaaaaaarr. It kind of makes me want to puke. I went shopping this week for new clothes, I haven't enjoyed shopping since before Noah was born and for the first time I ended up with a haul instead of a shirt and I look good in every single one! I even had to choose which ones I wanted and leave some at the store (that's very unusual when I hated my body!)

Also, today is an exciting day. I have officially lost 31 lbs. Which means...ugh...I really don't want to ever have to reveal how much I weighed at my largest so I will just say I'm under the first landmark of a weigh in. I began this journey a short 5 weeks ago, I had 86 pounds to lose. As of today I have 45 left! 45 sounds so much more reasonable than 86. I can freaking do this!

If you want to know if I'm cheating or not eating, I'm not!(woohoo) I have been drinking home made raw almond juice in the morning with some spinach and berries in it. For lunch I have spinach with tomatoes and smoked salmon and dinner I have been making a healthy family dinner. Last night I made curry ginger fried rice with tons of veggies. C

ounting calories has been key for me. Also no matter how little I want to work out during the day I do it anyway. I figure even if I do it 1/2 arse, I'm at least doing it. I have decided that I have not once regretted working out, or going an extra mile but I do regret it when I don't. So  it has helped push me further than ever before. I have been running 2 miles per day at 12 minutes a piece which is KILLLER for me. Even in high school I was lucky to run a 13 minute mile, but I never did it because I wanted it until now. Okay enough of me blabbing. Measurements.

Beginning                   Week 5

16                            15                                                                        

20                            16


13                            10


48                             40                                             

45                             37


51                             45

52                              43

28                               24


17                                16